Common Logging Facility for NT

This module handles data logging for system programs developed internally. Data logging may be directed, depending of the type of events, to the NT event log, to the screen, to the printer or to an external program, for instance to send a notification.
Destination of logging for each event type is defined at installation time.

The module will log an application-defined message plus the following information:


Information logging may be customised by changing values in the registry (and possibly restarting the program). You can log three types or data: errors, warnings and tracing information. Each data may be displayed in the system Event Log and in a modal dialog box. These settings will be active the next time the application is initialised.

To customise logging, add the values "Info", "Warning", "Error" and "Fatal Error" of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ, under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MarcStern\Log key.
Each value may contain:
  nothingNo logging
"log"Logging in the system Event Log
"console"Logging on standard output
"file"Logging in a file
"screen"Logging in a modal dialog box
"print"Logging to the machine default printer
"notify"Real-time notification

You may enter several logging types by separating them by a ';'. Typical values are:
Fatal Error"log;notify"

Real-time notification may be parameterised via the value "Notification Command" of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ. This command will execute with a parameter which is a file name containing the logging information.

File destination for logging may be parameterised via the value "File" of type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ. This command will execute with a parameter which is a file name containing the logging information.


An example of a policy template file (LOG.ADM) is provided.


The package is composed of:


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